The YDI Life skills Academy is an after school program for disadvantaged adolescent youth ages 14-18. The year-round initiative is results-driven and based on widely-accepted best practices and evidence-based principles. YDI training and program models are appropriate for any adolescent-aged youth, including those referred by juvenile court counselors, school resource officers, or guidance counselors because of adjudications, behavioral issues, and/or low academic performance. YDI participants receive life/job skills training, career/college planning, and financial literacy education to help them understand the importance of staying in school, improving their grades, missing fewer days in school and choosing positive peer associations.
YDI Life skills Academy
YDI Teens Succeed!
Recognized nationally as a model program.
100% graduation rate
93% enrolled into post-secondary education/training.
Cumulative GPA rose from 1.85 to 2.9 in six semesters.
YDI Life skills Academy
- 91% of participants improved grades 1st semester upon enrolling in program.
- Cumulative Group GPAs rose from 1.77 to 2.5.
- Students missed 40 fewer days of school.