Darryl L. Bego
About Darryl L. Bego
Darryl L. Bego is a 25-year veteran of education and youth development. An Ohio native and graduate of Davidson College, he earned his BA in Interdisciplinary Studies in 1988 and began a journalism career as a Pulliam Fellow in Indianapolis, IN, where he was one of twenty journalists chosen nationally to study and write news articles for an advanced graduate program. After four years combined working for newspapers and marketing firms, he entered the world of education in 1992.
At-risk youth guidance
Bego taught English and journalism at a private school for nearly five years and was listed in Who’s Who Among America’s High School Teachers in 1995. For three years, 1997-2000, Bego worked as a Career Advisor with Communities In Schools, guiding at-risk youth at four high schools through the career planning and college enrollment process.
Bego currently works full-time in Charlotte as a director of teen and family development programs, and he consults throughout the country with schools and youth-serving agencies that utilize his curriculum, assessments, and program designs. The City of Charlotte/Mayor’s Youth Employment Program, Communities In Schools, The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Public Library, Project L.I.F.T. Board, The Urban League, the Charlotte Workforce Development Board, and a host of high schools, community colleges, and universities are among his list of clients.

Excellent Recognition
Bego is a recent recipient of the Excellence in Education Award from the National Women of Achievement. He has also been awarded the PLCMC Director’s Award and the Urban Libraries Council’s Outstanding Leader in Library Youth Development Award, honored with a Certificate of Appreciation from the City of Charlotte for Outstanding Contributions to the Community and has been twice listed in Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals.